The Artist-CD-Track sample

The original Artist-CD-Track sample can be found here:

The Muldis-D translation can be found here:

The Andl implementation is below. Note that they are not strictly comparable because:

  1. Andl provides no persistence. The results are only in memory.
  2. Andl provides limited output formatting.
artist  := {{ artistid:=0, name:='' }} [false]
cd      := {{ cdid:=0, artistid:=0, title:='', year:=0 }} [false]
track   := {{ trackid:=0, cdid:= 0, title:='' }} [false]

artist_data := {
  { name := 'Michael Jackson'}, 
  { name := 'Eminem' }
} [{ *artistid := ord() }]
artist := artist union artist_data

cd_data := {
  { title := 'Thriller',                name := 'Michael Jackson' },
  { title := 'Bad',                     name := 'Michael Jackson' },
  { title := 'The Marshall Mathers LP', name := 'Eminem' }
} [{ *cdid := ord() }]
cd := cd union (cd_data join artist)[{ title, cdid, artistid, year:=0}]

track_data := {
   { title := 'Beat It'         , cd := 'Thriller' },
   { title := 'Billie Jean'     , cd := 'Thriller' },
   { title := 'Dirty Diana'     , cd := 'Bad' },
   { title := 'Smooth Criminal' , cd := 'Bad' },
   { title := 'Leave Me Alone'  , cd := 'Bad' },
   { title := 'Stan'            , cd := 'The Marshall Mathers LP' },
   { title := 'The Way I Am'    , cd := 'The Marshall Mathers LP' }
 } [{ *trackid := ord() }]
track := track union (track_data join cd[{ *cd := title }]) [{ trackid, title, cdid }]

get_tracks_by_cd(t) => cd[ title = t {*title} ] join track
get_tracks_by_artist(a) => (artist[ name = a {*name}] join cd) [{cdid}] join track
get_cd_by_track(t) => track [ title = t {cdid} ] join cd
get_cds_by_artist(a) => artist [name = a {artistid} ] join cd
get_artist_by_track(t) => (track [title = t { cdid }] join cd) [{artistid}] join artist
get_artist_by_cd(t) => (cd [title = t { cdid }] join cd) [{artistid}] join artist

get_tracks_by_cd('Bad') [{ i'Track title' := title }]
get_tracks_by_artist('Michael Jackson') [{ i'Track title' := title }]
get_cd_by_track('Stan') [{ i'CD title' := title }]
get_cds_by_artist('Michael Jackson') [{ i'CD title' := title }]
get_artist_by_track('Dirty Diana') [{ i'Artist name' := name }]
get_artist_by_cd('The Marshall Mathers LP') [{ i'Artist name' := name }]

The output looks like this.

Track title
Dirty Diana
Smooth Criminal
Leave Me Alone

Track title
Beat It
Billie Jean
Dirty Diana
Smooth Criminal
Leave Me Alone

CD title
The Marshall Mathers LP

CD title

Artist name
Michael Jackson

Artist name

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